Twenties Economics | Sugaring

Hello, Everyone!

I Hope all is well!

In today’s episode we will discuss sugaring! Upon much reflection (and my financial predicament) I realized that sugaring put a huge dent in my wallet last year! For me, thé cost to have my vulva, lower legs, and underarms would $135…per month! I haven’t even included the cost of the Lyft there and back (since I don’t have a car yet). So, without the Lyft, that brings me to $1620 I spent last year. That hurts my feelings considering that I rarely showed off my hairless body due to insecurities! Sighs…however, I have found the light at the end of the tunnel and May I just say that there are benefits to sugaring yourself at home! So, without further adieu, let’s get into today’s episode!

All the Best, LiyaElle KSco.

So, What Even Is Sugaring?

Sugaring is a natural, ancient, and most importantly vegan method of hair removal that has been practiced for thousands of years. The process involves using a sugar paste made from natural ingredients such as sugar, water, and lemon juice to remove hair from the root. Unlike waxing, which can be harsh on the skin and cause ingrown hairs, sugaring is a gentler, more natural, and « less painful » method  of hair removal. I’m not going to lie to you though it hurts slightly less than waxing - you’re still gonna feel it. I don’t care what anyone says it still hurts! However, the smoothness is so worth it.

So, Why Would I Do This You Literally Just Said That It’s Painful?

Well, for a few reasons! The first being that sugaring is gentle on the skin. The sugar paste does not adhere to the skin, only to the hair, which means makes it a great alternative for anyone with sensitive skin, as it is less likely to cause skin irritation or redness. And honestly, this factor does make it less painful compared to waxing - I’ll admit - but not by much! I don’t mean to discourage you I’m just keeping one hunned percent with you!

The second reason is that sugaring is a natural and eco-friendly method of hair removal. The sugar paste is made from all-natural ingredients, which means it is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. Y’all know (or will soon learn) that I am all about having a clean beauty regimen. So, anything free of toxic chemicals and I am there! Because why not? This is also especially beneficial for those of you who are like me and are environmentally conscious and want to reduce your impact on the planet as much as possible.

The third reason is that sugaring paste is water-soluble, making it is easy to clean up and does not leave a sticky residue on your skin.

Lastly, sugaring also has long-lasting results. With regular maintenance (typically every 4 - 6 weeks), sugaring can lead to permanent hair reduction, which means you won't have to worry about hair removal as often. This is a great time-saver for busy university students, or anyone who doesn’t have a lot of time to spare.

Do I Really Need to Learn How to Do This Myself ?

Now, honestly, you do NOT have to do this yourself y’a girl is just ouchere saving money and adopting a new skill! You can just march yourself up to a SugaringNYC and pay someone else to do it!

However, for university students, or anyone really, in a financial predicament like myself, sugaring at home can be economically beneficial. It is a cost-effective way to remove unwanted hair, especially compared to salon treatments. Sugaring paste can be made at home with simple ingredients (or bought from Amazon because I ain’t got time for that lmao), which means you can save money and avoid the hassle of scheduling (or missing) appointments.

Mmhmm, Got All These Benefits and No Cons?

My bad, you right. It should be noted that sugaring wax has three different consistencies to choose from: soft, medium, and hard. Each consistency is formulated to suit different areas of the body and hair types, so it's important to select the right one based on your hair removal needs.

Soft sugaring wax is the most pliable and easiest to work with. Its soft texture allows for better control and precision, making it ideal for use on delicate areas of the body, such as the stomach, arms, and back. Because the skin in these areas is more sensitive, using a gentle wax like the soft sugaring wax can minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of irritation. Soft sugaring wax is more sensitive to temperature changes and may become too sticky or difficult to work with if it is too warm. It is recommended to keep it at a cooler temperature to maintain its soft and pliable texture.

Medium sugaring wax, on the other hand, is firmer and better suited for use on less sensitive areas like the pubic area (finer hair) or legs. Its thicker consistency allows for a stronger grip on coarser hair, making it more effective for removing hair on larger areas of the body. The medium consistency ensures that the wax is not too soft to be ineffective, but not too hard that it becomes difficult to apply. Medium sugaring wax is less sensitive to temperature changes than its softer counterpart, but it can still become too soft if it is heated too much. It is important to monitor the temperature of the wax and adjust it as necessary to ensure that it maintains the appropriate consistency.

Hard sugaring wax is the firmest of the three consistencies and is typically used for larger areas of the body, such as the chest, underarms, or pubic area (for those of us with curls or just naturally thick hair). Its thick texture makes it easier to spread over larger areas without breaking or becoming too sticky. This type of wax is ideal for thicker, coarser hair as it provides a stronger grip, making it easier to remove hair in one go. Hard sugaring wax is the least sensitive to temperature changes and can withstand higher temperatures without becoming too soft. However, if it is heated too much, it can become too liquid and difficult to work with. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature to ensure that the wax remains at the appropriate consistency for effective hair removal.

A’ight You Have Convinced Me, What Do I Need?

I ain’t gone even front with you, I’m ouchere patting my back for this one! So what you’ll need is

Calm Energy, so take a deep breath and start with your legs first to become comfortable

Gloves (If you’re using your hands)

Body Powder (for when it gets sweaty)

Medium Sugar Wax

Hard Sugar Wax

Sugaring Tool (This Will Be So Hopeful - Especially, for the Flicking)

You Just Gone Leave Me Hanging After I Wax It? What About Post Care?

Neva! For post care you will need:

Chemical Exfoliant

Brown Sugar Physical Exfoliant OR Zéro Waste Body Exfoliator

Healing Oil (for the first week and then transition to body oil) OR Aloe Vera

Even though you cannot exfoliate for 48 hours post wax I recommend you have these prior. I exfoliate every evening - but my estheticians have said 3x per week is enough. I disagree but that’s just me!

You Got Some Tutorials?

Yes! For each body part actually! The black owned company SugarDoh has given great tutorials which I will link right here!

Lower Legs

Pubic Region


I’m Still A Little Scared, You Got Any Tips and Tricks?


Tip 1 - Exfoliate your skin your 24 - 48 hours prior to sugaring to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs. Remember to exfoliate y’all! ESSENTIAL

Tip 2 - Make sure your skin is clean and dry before beginning the sugaring process. This is where your body powder comes in clutch!

Tip 3 - Apply the sugaring paste in the direction OPPSOTIE OF hair growth and REMOVE in the direction OF HAIR GROWTH for best results.

Tip 4 - If the paste is too sticky, add a small amount of water to it to make it more pliable.

Tip 5 - Don't reuse the same piece of sugaring paste on multiple areas of skin to prevent contamination.

Tip 6 - After sugaring, soothe your skin with Aloe Vera or a cool compress to reduce redness and inflammation. I linked it for you!

Tip 7 - Avoid using any lotions or products with fragrance on the sugared area for at least 24 hours after the procedure to prevent irritation.

Tip 8 - Make sure you are pulling the skin taut

Tip 9 - Stay calm and relaxed in order to produce less sweat. It is scary and intimidating but you got this!

Tip 10 - Make sure to keep up with the 2 week time span for the underarms and 4 - 6 week time span for the body or else it will continue to be painful due to hair follicles growing back thicker and stronger with a vengeance.


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